Featherwing Prop-Maker Doesn't Play Code


I recently bought a Featherwing Propmaker on the 19th of January and it was working fine until a few days ago. I have it connected to a Feather M4 express and a momentary switch. I am following a guide from Adafruit: https://learn.adafruit.com/lightsaber-featherwing/overview. When I pressed the momentary switch, the board used to run the code properly yet when I try it now, It seems to crash since the neopixel pulses yellow and I can’t find anywhere how to fix it. I checked if it was short-circuited with a multimeter and it seemed fine. Any help would be gladly appreciated.



Hi Arya,

Could you please include:

  • Any error messages you are seeing
  • A photo or video of the problem
  • A photo of the circuit

I can see that you’ve created a previous thread about this exact same problem. For future reference so that everything is organised could you please respond to any previous threads? Thanks!


I cant seem to send videos on here

Hi Arya,

One way is to upload your video to Vimeo or Youtube then share the link here.


Here is a link to a video showing my issue:

No one has replied to this yet. I have been trying to fix this issue for 4 months

Hi Arya,

We have responded to your previous thread on the same issue now.
