Littlebird Greatest Makey Makey - remap keys

Hi there,
I have 15 Makey Makey kits that I bought from Littlebird. I understand that these are open source. I am wondering how the remap the keys so that I can use the Garageband Musical Tying feature. I have tried to use the remap tool on both a Mac and PC, but it doesn’t move beyond the 'plug in your Makey Makey" page.
Any ideas?

What is the name of these particular boards so that I can remap the keys through the Arduino UI? And what is the sketch for these boards?

Thank you in advance,


Hi Luke,

Thanks for your question!

These boards are based on the open source SparkFun version of the MaKey MaKey (not the newer but inferior closed source (?) version).

Whilst I don’t have one in from of me, I’m pretty sure the boards rock the ATMEL 32U4 which is the same chip found in the Arduino Leonardo.

The code is available here:

The lines you’d change in the Arduino IDE are these ones:

nt keyCodes[NUM_INPUTS] = {
  // top side of the makey makey board
  KEY_UP_ARROW,      // up arrow pad
  KEY_DOWN_ARROW,    // down arrow pad
  KEY_LEFT_ARROW,    // left arrow pad
  KEY_RIGHT_ARROW,   // right arrow pad
  ' ',               // space button pad
  MOUSE_LEFT,        // click button pad
  // female header on the back left side
  'w',                // pin D5
  'a',                // pin D4
  's',                // pin D3
  'd',                // pin D2
  'f',                // pin D1
  'g',                // pin D0
  // female header on the back right side
  MOUSE_MOVE_UP,      // pin A5
  MOUSE_MOVE_DOWN,    // pin A4
  MOUSE_MOVE_LEFT,    // pin A3
  MOUSE_MOVE_RIGHT,   // pin A2
  MOUSE_LEFT,         // pin A1
  MOUSE_RIGHT         // pin A0


As always please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions whatsoever!



Thanks so much for your help.

It wouldn’t let me remap. This is what I would like to do:

int keyCodes[NUM_INPUTS] = {
// top side of the makey makey board

‘a’, // up arrow pad
‘d’, // down arrow pad
‘f’, // left arrow pad
‘s’, // right arrow pad
‘g’, // space button pad
‘h’, // click button pad

Am I on the right track?

Kind regards

Seems like you are on the right track, as the index of the array you have mentioned reflects the digital mapping and functions.

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Little Bird Company Pty Ltd

“Service Powered Electronics”.

Unit 13, 8 Leighton Place


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T: +61 (02) 9457 8865


I am having similar issues and have run into a bit of a wall.
I need to remap and have followed the instructions here: to remap
The Firmware linked in the sparkfun tutorial is v1.4.2. I tried to just verify this code without changes and upload it using the Arduino IDE v1.8.5 just to see if I could upload at all. The verification works fine however when trying upload I keep getting this error.

avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x00 != 0x0c
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch

I noticed that the code you linked to above is version Firmware v1.4.1. So I copied and replaced the v1.4.2 code with the v1.4.1 and still receive the same error message.

Any help would be great!