Automated pet feeder

I have created an automated dog feeder that dispenses food at two given times throughout the day. It incorporates the Actobotics series of parts to make it a permanent project.


thats pretty damned nifty.

Now the next question you should ask, (and please dont take it as mean) is this: How can i improve this?

That is awesome :slight_smile: …I have a cat that I need this for .

What servos are you using?

Hi Maddy,

I have a 180* rotation servo (5v) with high torgue to dispense a treat like a raw hide bone and a stepper motor (12v) to turn the main disc with dry food.


I have got it working over the web as well using API commands and have developed an App to interact with it!


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Great project! I’d love to see a video of it in action.

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Me too! Looks great.

I’ll put a video up shortly.


Here is a link to the video of the feeder in action.
Take a look at this video on YouTube:


The pooch seems to like it!