Problem getting LCD1602 Add-on Working on Pi 3

I have connected the LCD1602 Add-on on to my Pi 3. When the Pi boots the LCD device powres up.

I have followed all the steps to install Segnix from the itead site.

When I run the Python example I get: No ADC Pin found

When I attempt to compile led.c example I get:

‘PG9’ undeclared.

I configured the board to be: Raspberry_Pi_Model_BPlus

Can you please advise where I have gone wrong?



I have now tried using the details on this link:

And increased the sleep duration to allow me to adjust the contrast but nothing ever displays.

Things like blinking seems to work but no messages.

i2cdetect -y1 also does not show a device if that matters.

Hope someone can assist.

