RPI4 - No lights on Ethernet port

Hi all,

I have just development a problem with a raspberry pi4 (4gb) that I purchase back in September 2019. The unit has worked flawlessly running home assistant up until a few days ago when I could not find it on our home network, looking into it further I discovered that none of the lights are active anymore on the ethernet port, the power & SD card read lights are still function normally. I have tried various network cables as well as other routers & computers but nothing seems to be working. Could anyone provide some assistance?

Hey Gerro,

Just to clarify, do you mean the Ethernet indicator LEDs on the Raspberry Pi 4 are no longer lighting up?

According to this thread: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/871/what-do-system-leds-signify

LNK (green)

Indicates Ethernet (LAN) connection and activity: it is constantly ON when connected, and flashes on data transfers. Located on the PCB in model B, and on the Ethernet RJ-45 socket in later models.

100/1000 (yellow or green)

Indicates 100Mbit Ethernet link on 100Mbit models or 1000Mbit link on Raspberry Pi 3B+ and 4. It’s OFF for lower speed connections. Located on the PCB in model B, and on the Ethernet RJ-45 socket in later models.

FDX (green or orange?)

Indicates Full Duplex Ethernet connection. Only exists in model B.

If nothing is lighting up … this thread might be worth a look : https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/7468/ethernet-light-doesnt-go-on
