Share your workspace

I think a topic where we can share workspaces would be good.

Whether you have a Tupperware that you can take out and work on an arduino project on the kitchen table over the weekend.
Or a spare room, garage, basement with a more permanent setup.

Share it!

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My family moved into our new house just over a year ago, and I have been slowly expanding into the space in a grannyflat in our backyard. :grinning:

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We have a warehouse :slight_smile:

It is 160 square meters of glorious space…and we are currently using about 1/4 of that.

I will put up more photos shortly .


Managed to squeeze a wrap-around style desk into this tiny study.
I used to work at a Jaycar at a time when the store was relocating. They let go of all the (empty :frowning: ) drawers and I managed to pick up about 20 of them! Only have a need for six,… so far.

[limit of one image per post, dang]



My work space is a very small table top, that I share with a brio train set. This is a small remote control boat - with the remote taken from a car

All my ideas are developed here then taken to challenge students in a wider and larger industrial workshop environment

Cheers joe

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